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2019【第11屆亞太國際電漿科技基礎與應用研討會 APSPT-11】於12/11-12/14在日本金沢(Kanazawa, Japan)舉辦


The 11th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-11) will be held at The Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kanazawa, Japan, from December 11 to 14, 2019.

I. Scope: The APSPT seeks to promote fundamental and applied plasma researches for scientists and engineers from academic and industrial institutions, particularly, in Asia-Pacific area. The APSPT has been held originally in Japan and Taiwan over 22 years to encourage cross-links for all experts in plasma science and technology. The symposium now opens to all people from different areas to participate via presentations and discussions. We welcome various presentations to explore a new frontier of plasma science and technology.

II. Date: 11-14 December 2019

III. Venue: The Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 9-13 Oyama-cho, Kanazawa 920-8639, Japan

IV. Important Dates : One-Page Abstract Submission Deadline: 11 September 2019 Early Registration Deadline: 11 October 2019 V. Topics are as follows: 1. Fundamentals of plasmas 2. Plasma diagnostics and modeling 3. Thermal plasmas 4. Low pressure plasmas 5. High-pressure and multiphase plasmas 6. Space plasmas 7. Plasmas in biomedical and agricultural applications 8. Plasmas in energy and environmental applications 9. Plasmas in materials processing, coating and surface modifications 10. Plasmas in nano-materials processing 11. Plasmas in aerospace/space applications 12. Advanced and novel plasma technologies and sources 13. Other plasmas VI. official website VII. Contact Email:

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